Website Hosting

Website Server | Website Hosting - Modernize My Site
Female data center technician working inside server rack room

Website Hosting

We provide website hosting for clients we’ve built websites for, and for those who need to migrate websites built by someone else.

We hear horror stories of website companies or freelance web developers who build a website they never intend to support. The wrong hosting company will drag out simple requested changes for months, become entirely non-responsive, or fail to upgrade important firmware on servers. With the wrong host, you might also experience a precipitous decline in website speed.

Website Server

A website server is essentially a fast computer (usually a black box), and something you see a lot in spy movies. Data centers are large rooms full of cabinets stacked high with servers, one of top of the other. It’s a noisy place because of all the fans required to keep the machines cooled.

You also see thousands tiny LED lights in a data center. The different colors indicate a server is fine, needs maintenance, or needs replacement.

Man Managing Supercomputer Servers
Portrait of young woman, lifestyle blogger, recording video of herself, making notes, writing in

Blog Hosting

If you have aspirations of becoming a prolific blogger, we can help. Our blog hosting service can start small and scale as you become famous. We’ll help turn you into a superstar.

Website or WordPress Migration

We are approached often for migrating websites. It’s important to understand that when we migrate your website, there are steps to the process that aren’t easy.

1) Update the existing site

Many websites haven’t been touched in months or even years. We usually have to update quite a bit of code to prepare a website for safe migration to our servers.

2) Check for malware in the website

Malware is scary and we don’t want to infect any of our clients’ sites by migrating a website that’s been hacked.

3) Transfer the website

Transferring from one hosting company to the next isn’t the easiest thing to do. Many hosting companies are difficult to work with and a transfer that should take a day can take a month.


Smiling woman working on laptop in the office and talking on a smartphone . - Image

Give us a call. We actually like answering the phone.