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About Us

Experience The Difference
It’s one thing to talk about how different you are and another thing entirely to develop and shape an alternative experience. What makes us different, above all else, is a pursuit of true relationships with our clients. We don’t just want to create a beautiful website because the fee we charge will pay our bills.
What does an alternative experience with us look like?
Philosophically: We’ve failed at our job if we haven’t made every effort to understand exactly what your business needs are and how to configure your website for efficiency, reduced overhead and improved profitability. If we cannot solve your business challenges, we will admit our shortcomings and gladly recommend someone who can.
Practically: We’re all tired of relationships that make us wonder whether or not a real person is on the other side of the screen. Before you put a bullet through your computer, call us. We’re more than happy to communicate using whichever method is preferable. Whether email, text or call, we are here for you.
We don’t take ourselves too seriously
The joy that comes from doing what you love always results in fun. We love what we do. Do you?
Fun is also the result of reenacting what we did as kids, reminiscing about great experiences or watching the people you love succeed. Fun is almost always relational. If you need a little fun in your life, we welcome you to become part of our world.
Wanna hang out?
We’re people people. You’ll never work with somebody at Modernize My Site that is socially inept or uncomfortably awkward. We pride ourselves in being great communicators.
Some of our clients and potential clients are taken aback by our face-to-face approach because they’ve been trained to fill out questionnaires and surveys. We don’t do business with someone unless we can meet and have an in depth conversation. Whether in person or over the phone, far more can be learned during a real conversation than by sterile forms. Let’s get together for coffee, breakfast or lunch. We guarantee you’ll be better off for having met with us.
Can You Feel The Love?
Family is ultra important to us. Counter to American culture, we try hard to always put family before business. We want to attend every sporting event, recital and birthday party.
Our family relationships often extend to friends who are like minded, caring and selfless. Like any family, things can get a bit messy, but there is more than enough grace to learn from mistakes. This grace empowers us to work through challenges, forgive and better ourselves.
We are fast friends that are genuinely interested in who you are and what you’re about.